Glenn's Blog

March 8 2024
Kia ora everyone. Just letting you know I made it back from walking Te Araroa. What a completely stunning and crazy experience. It will take me quite a while to get my head around it tbh. I keep looking at maps of New Zealand and still can’t quite believe that I’ve wandered from one end to the other.
It was a real pleasure to ‘scratch the belly of the fish’ as Hone Tuwhare used to say. And I’m sure quite a bit of new writing will flow from it eventually.
It’s also great to be able to open the website up again. Woohoo!
And to release two new books … 🤗🤗
Both of them are explorations of the oral poem in New Zealand.
Ngā Wāhine E Toru / Three Women is a collection of Māori oral poetry in both Te Reo and English. It includes waiata aroha, oriori, haka, and mōteatea. And Myths and Legends of the Ancient Pākehā is a collection of Pākehā oral histories and poems. It is full of hymns, ballads, sea-shanties, clapping songs and nursery rhymes.
I’ve been working on them for years and have driven anyone wandering by the house mad with my incessant singing. Both of them are paired volumes and come with a soundtrack you can download or stream from the website.
Sooo … go take a sneaky listen to them. This is after all the form that the poems were most designed for. Annnnnd … if you like them then maybe buy the books.
Rest assured it’s not me singing on the sound track … so you will be spared that at least!
Cheers, Glenn
Sept 25 2023
Hi everyone - just letting you know I've recently published a small essay entitled 'Holding the ACEs: adverse childhood events in New Zealand' as well. You'll find a photo of the cover on the website homepage. It's a reflection of the sort of medicine we are involved in at the youth clinic I work at. I wrote it to draw attention to those difficulties - and to get it off my chest. It's pretty straight-up I suppose. But then again so are the young people I work with. If you are looking for a copy then you should find them in most bookshops or on my online bookstore.
Cheers, Glenn